How to Install and Configure Tor on kali-linux

Tor is an open source implementation of the third generation onion routing that provides free access to an anonymous proxy network.

follow steps:1

"apt update && apt -y upgrade"
"apt -y install tor"

"service tor start"
"service tor status"

follow steps:2

Once Tor installed, edit the proxychains.conf file using command
"leafpad /etc/proxychains.conf"

now disable the use of (strict_chains) and enable (dynamic_chains), which
ensures that the connection will be routed, as shown in the following screenshot:-

Next, edit the [proxyList] section to ensure that the socks5 proxy is present, as shown in the following screenshot:-  (socks5 9050)

after this save file and close your all browsers, now type in terminal:-
 "proxychains firefox"

then check your terminal
Now download Tor-bundle click here for downloading and extract the package by typing
"tar -xvf tor*"

Run the Tor Browser using this command

If you run as root
 You can run the following commands to comment out this check and run Tor as root:- type this command 
 "nano start-tor-browser"  
 -Comment these lines

[ `id -u` -eq 0 ]; then
# complain “The Tor Browser Bundle should not be run as root. Exiting.”
# exit 1

save the file.

You can create a new user and configure Tor to run as that user even though you're logged in as root.

useradd toruser
chown -R toruser tor-browser_en-US # Replace with your TBB folder
gksu -u toruser tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser

Visit this tor site for more information 

